The Best Time to Start A Business Is Now

Why Now Is The Best Time to Start A Business

The best time to start a business? I’d say right now, today! – an online business that is. There has never been a time when it’s been easier to start taking control of your time, income and financial security.

The best time to start a business

To say that now is the best time to start a business might sound crazy given the state of our traditional economy. The truth is that one of the factors that has led to the “Titanic Economy” also makes this the best time to start a business in the new, digital economy.

I refer to the exponential growth in technology that started with web 2.0 and the digital revolution in the late 80’s/early 90’s. In a previous blog I covered a presentation about this by DEA co-founder Jay Kubassek.That covered how technology has and is replacing many traditional jobs and business models. In this post I  want to emphasise why this actually makes now the best time to start a business – online.

Read more on how the digital economy is impacting the traditional work/ business outlook on wikipedia HERE

To start a traditional business you need a lot of “stuff”. Depending on what that is that could include: Substantial start up capital, premises, vehicles, equipment, staff, specialist clothing and a screed of certifications, insurances, licences. You’d also need products to sell, distribution/delivery methods, payment solutions …. The list goes on.

To Start An Online Business You Need A Laptop And An Internet Connection…

If you start as most people do, as an affiliate marketer, you don’t even need to own the products you sell. You don’t need to produce the marketing materials, store or deliver the products or to provide support. You can choose products and services from a bewildering range. Pretty much anything you can think of will be available as an affiliate product you can earn commissions from.

Obviously with both online and offline businesses you will need to have or to get experience, expertise and training in your chosen business type. Most people would start a business in line with an interest, a passion or an existing area of expertise.

For a traditional business that might come from work experience and/or further education. In the online world however traditional education is way behind the times. The skills needed to run an online business are best learned from the new breed of digital entrepreneurs – sometimes known as “The new rich”. That’s because they have been operating on the coalface of this industry, building 6, 7 and 8 figure businesses for years.

best time to start a business

Setting out your online stall is pretty easy but you need to bear in mind that it faces stiff competition. You could realistically compare a brand new website – the shop window of an online business – to a grain of sand in the Sahara. In short it’s not going to be found without help. That’s where the skills come in – internet marketing skills.

When you have those skills the other factor that makes this the best time to start a business on the internet is this: Your customers are already there – millions of them – In every corner of the globe, 24/7/365. Internet marketing is not like traditional advertising. It’s not like expensive, hit or miss print, radio or TV advertising. It’s laser targeted, infinitely measurable and very cost effective.

Your Customers Are Out There Waiting For You

I’ve hopefully explained why I think this is the best time to start a business – ever and why an online is business is best. I have also stressed the need for re-skilling, learning the ropes, finding the products and services and leveraging the vast power of Internet marketing. As I also said the best place to get those skills is from established Internet entrepreneurs. Now I’d like to introduce you to some of them.

Jay Kubassek who I mentioned earlier and his business partner Stuart Ross are the co-founders of an organisation dedicated to creating new internet entrepreneurs. Using many years of experience in building global online businesses they have put together a one – stop shop training and business systems platform.

Whether you already have some online experience or are keen to transition from the traditional world to the digital world, they have everything you need.

If you click on the link below you’ll see Stuart Ross’s video on the 5 steps to starting a profitable online business from scratch. You can also subscribe for a further 7 free training videos from him and Jay Kubassek that will really open your eyes to what’s possible. I think once you’ve seen those you’ll agree that this really is the best time to start a business.

best time to start a business

By Dave Menzies