Digital Experts Academy Gold Event
As always after an SFM and DEA event the tributes, testimonials and photos are flooding in as you can see from the small collection of images that were posted on Facebook by Jay Kubassek yesterday. These are from the DEA Gold event this weekend. Having been at the previous event I can testify that is…
What exactly are internet scams?
So what are internet scams? The word scam is often used when describing an online “get rich quick” scheme of some kind. There are certainly plenty of those to choose from. Are they all actually scams though? I would argue that a lot of online opportunities that get branded with the word are actually just…
The Best Self Improvement Books – Apart From The Obvious
What are the best self-improvement books an entrepreneur can read? The usual advice is to go with the recognised classics like Think and Grow Rich or Rich dad Poor dad. All great brain food for sure, as are the host of alternatives out there and I have a good few of those. I also read…
Netiquette Part 2 – When Things Get Bizarre!
Netiquette Part 2 Things Get Bizarre! A while ago I wrote about the importance good netiquette – the internet version of etiquette and I just had to share a recent, bizarre series of emails I had which sort of ties in with that. I’m still confused actually so maybe you can comment? It all started…
Staying Focused – Avoid Option Paralysis
At the Six Figure mentors Momentum day in London this January , Jay Kubassek asked us to give him some examples of the challenges we faced in growing our businesses. For me it was and still is staying focused. I didn’t mean focus on the main objective as such but more about what to focus…
A Different View Of The Online Home Based Business
A strange phenomenon has visited Glasgow today – from distant memory it’s called sunshine (of sorts) so as soon as the battery on my trusty Canon is charged I’m off to shoot some video. The subject will be the sheer scale of opportunity that the Internet offers and why starting a home based business is…
Business In The Community – Social Networking
Last week I posted a non business question on a Facebook account that I use mainly for business social networking – the online version of business in the community and the response was so positive that I felt the need to talk about it today. It highlights the strength of social networking for both business…
Distributed Denial of Service – The Impulse To Destroy
Distributed Denial of Service – WTF ? The impulse to destroy is I guess the dark side of the human soul. A dramatic start to a blog post I know but inspired by a recent hacking attack on Aweber – the email management system that huge numbers of online marketers and online business owners use.…
Achieving Work And Life Balance in 2019
I’ve just been watching a great video on the subject of work life balance by a guy called Nigel Marsh. The video was actually a podcast of Nigel’s talk at the TED conference where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. With a background in the world…
The Rise and Rise Of Information Marketing
The Rise and Rise Of Information Marketing I sent a broadcast to my subscribers on the subject of information marketing earlier today. It was prompted by some thoughts I had whilst walking to the post office when I was nearly bumped into a number of times by people intent on their mobile devices. This made…