How To Make Millions? Our Attitudes To Money

How to make millions? Attitudes to Money How’s that for a headline? – How to make millions – what’s your immediate reaction to that? Does it turn you right off or will you read on? This weekend I caught up with a recording of a webinar hosted by Jay Kubassek for the SFM Elite members…

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Building A Life By Design

Building A Life By Design I’ve been fascinated by the last couple of episodes of Ben Fogle’s new TV series “New Lives in the wild”, The last episode in particular is a shining example of how leveraging modern technology- the internet – can open the possibilities for those determined to live life on their own…

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Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting

Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting   I had to laugh yesterday. I wrote recently about people’s reluctance to invest money by starting an online business or indeed any form of self development that actually makes money work whilst happily spending money on so many things that are basically similar to simply burning the…

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How To Make Money From Writing Online

How To Make Money From Writing Online There are any number of ways to make money writing without the need to be a talented novelist. Online writing is now just another income possibility made possible by the digital revolution as information is one of its most valued currencies. Lets look at some of the options.…

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Making Money Work For You Instead of Blowing It On Buckets of Coffee

Making Money Work For You I’m frequently asked by people interested in starting an online business “How much will it cost me?” A sensible question and one you’d be mad not to ask but it’s often asked in a sort of “here we go, wait for it…..”’ kind of style. Any from of self-investment such…

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What is Netiquette? 6 Golden Netiquette Rules

In My humble Opinion (IMHO) Netiquette – the Internet version of etiquette is important to get right in email marketing. If you are anything like me you may have got an email wrong due to not considering this properly before hitting the send button – with disastrous results. I remember sending a jokey “dig”email at…

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Affiliate Marketing Programmes – Quickest Way To Generate Income online ?

If you’re not aware of affiliate marketing programmes at all or are not aware of just how much online business is done with this business model, I hope this post will be an eye opener. Leaving aside all the online – make money scheme nonsense (as I know my savvy readers do ) Affiliate marketing…

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List Building For Profit – The Money Is In The List

List Building For Profit – The Money Is In The List The money is in the list and list building for profit are online marketing phrases – considering the relatively short length of time we’ve had the internet they could actually claim to be ancient internet wisdom.  But why so true is it? as Yoda…

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Digital Marketing Skills

Training For A Digital World I’m just putting the final touches to a new video this morning. It’s inspired by an interesting meeting with someone I met at a networking event recently. Amongst other things we talked about the fact that digital marketing skills open so many doors. Unfortunately many people have a hard time…

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Weird Attitudes To Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising. Pro’s and Cons of  Promoted Posts People’s powers of misconception never fail to amaze me. This time its about some comments that I found on one of my Facebook advertising promoted posts from a couple of people who had either not read the content properly or are just irrevocably jaundiced against ideas they…

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