Survive The Next Economic Crash And Thrive
How to survive the next economic crash is the subject of a recent Facebook video posted by Rich Dad, poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki. He reckons its coming soon and that its going to be bigger than anything we’ve ever seen. He any many other experts are predicting an imminent economic “T-Junction”. Google it yourself and see what the likes of Forbes, Bloomberg, The Guardian and The Economist are saying.
Mr Kiyosaki’s advice is to get ready to not only survive the next economic crash but to profit from it. That message is very much in tune with one of my own mentors Jay Kubassek of Digital Experts Academy. He has been urging us to ‘WAKE UP” for some years.
Both are taking about waking up to the fact that the digital economy is the place to be. You survive the next economic crash by taking yourself out of the failing traditional one. Lets face it the old economy has already been through 3 major crashes in the last decade alone. As rapid increases in technology continue to wreak havoc on traditional ways of doing things, its easy to see why people like Robert Kiyosaki see big trouble ahead.
Robert Kiyosaki Says…
His advice then to survive the next economic crash, is to become entrepreneurial. That’s been his basic message on becoming wealthy for decades but now he recognises that the best place to do it is on the Internet. The Internet has changed our world completely. As it’s grown and evolved since the first major crash of the decade – the .com bust – it has swept away numerous business models. It has decimated entire industries and been the catalyst for a whole new economy.
That, you could argue has played a big part in the failure of the traditional economy. But in so doing it has also created unprecedented opportunity for all of us. If we dry our eyes – its here to stay after all – and get the necessary skills to evolve with it, the benefits are extraordinary.
We no longer need massive capital, massive debts or a business degree to start a profitable business. That’s old hat in the digital economy. The Internet has created a level playing field where anyone can create a thriving business. What’s more we can run this business from anywhere. We don’t even need our own products, special premises, equipment or staff. For this 52 year old baby boomer that’s like science fiction made real.
Survive The Next Economic Crash – Go With The Flow
The reality is that technology is advancing faster than anyone ever thought possible. Its moving at an exponential rate. That makes it possible to automate a lot of the jobs that once only humans could do. It makes it possible for us to by-pass traditional shopping entirely. That means we don’t need sales people. It makes it possible for us to consume things differently.
We can research anything we want online. We can buy anything we want online. Soon we will be able to have products delivered by drone or driverless car an hour after we buy it! This all makes our lives easier and gives us more of that most precious of all things – time. And we can be on both sides of this: We can be the consumer AND the supplier.
If you’d told me 20 years ago that one day I would be sitting in my garden in the Scottish Highlands running a global online business I would have laughed. Yet here I am. If you’d told me then that I could earn serious money by shooting videos on a camera that I already own (or a phone) – I would have laughed. But I do that now as an affiliate marketer. If you had told me that I could import a container load of products from China and have them warehoused, managed, delivered (by drone soon) all over the world by someone else – I’d have laughed. But you can do that now with Amazon.
Survive The Next Economic Crash – The Survival Skills
So really there are lots of ways to survive the next economic crash. You move over to the economy that has helped create it: The one that is thriving. As discussed there are many Internet business models you can do that with. Whichever one you choose, they have common skill sets. Getting those skills, as Robert Kiyosaki says, is really the key to turning all this disruption to your advantage.
Earlier in the post I mentioned another mega successful entrepreneur Jay Kubassek. He and his business Stuart Ross are co-founders of SFM and DEA, two companies dedicated to waking people and businesses up to what’s possible in the new economy. They provide high level training and mentorship across numerous online business models. They have also created digital business systems that provide all of the nuts and bolts for internet business and offer various franchise-like business partnerships.
Check them out by subscribing for their free introductory video series on the link below.