Hanging Out With The Home Based Online Business Set

Hanging Out With The Home Based Online Business Set 

home based online business

I took part in a superb Google hangout live with fellow SFM digital entrepreneurs last night. I’m really liking this platform both from a social point of view and as a way for people looking in from the outside to learn more about this mysterious world of home based online business. As digital marketing continues to move in the direction of more “real” contact, this is definitely the way ahead.

On the panel last night were the sort of mixed bunch that really highlights the diversity of people who are finding their feet in the new world of online home based business and digital marketing thanks to the SFM’s unique training platform. Some of the panel in fact had just returned, still buzzing, from last weekend’s momentum day in London.

We started with introductions and each shared a little about our backgrounds, journey so far and how we discovered the SFM/DEA and what attracted us to digital marketing as a home based online business in general. On this call we had members from Scotland, England, France and Sweden. One member from New Zealand couldn’t make it but will be on next week’s hangout. Considering this is a free platform it all went pretty smoothly.

Digital Marketing Degrees? …..  

One of the stand out’s this time for me was a contribution from a guy called Tariq from London who I haven’t met before. He told us that he discovered SFM after putting himself through a marketing degree, which he hoped, would help him find work – it didn’t so he decided to lok at starting his own home based online business instead.

He reckons that his SFM training has been of far more value, is much more up to date and is better geared for the real and ever changing world of digital marketing. His degree cost him around £8K – many times more than Elite membership in SFM/DEA – and you can be earning as you learn.

Most Home Based Online Business Owners Will Never Go Back 

Another take away from the call for me was the 100% consensus that there is no going back to the traditional working life for any of us. When you find the means to starting building real financial and lifestyle independence through a platform like SFM (actually there is no platform “like” SFM they are peerless IMHO) It makes the old world look a little silly and very old. This is the new black!

So the first hangout for this group was pretty good all in all. We aim to have specific topics in future but really last night was all about intro’s and testimonials. What’s the point? Well if you are say a housewife from Bristol, or a musician from Glasgow, or an expat in France who is interested in starting a home based online business but are skeptical, unsure or convinced you would lack the necessary skills, what could be better than meeting some people who were in the same boat but who took the next step? Do you think you might feel a little less uncertain when you see that these are all ordinary people just like you, some of whom had little or no experience with computers beyond sending an email.

Is Some Internet Flash Harry Going To Run Off With My Savings ? 

digital marketing trainingThe great thing about Google Hangouts live apart from all the things I’ve discussed, are that A. They get recorded to Youtube and can be shared after the event and B. Although only 10 people can actually participate they can be made public so invitations to watch can be sent to lists of subscribers, Google circles, Facebook fans – anyone really. C. You can use Google effects to put silly hats, moustaches and other stupid things on panel members faces!

The fact is that literally millions of people across the world are interested in this growing trend: changing their lives, getting more freedom, more financial independence or learning how to finally make a living out of a passion with a home based online business. Many of them think about it for a long time and rightly need convincing that some internet flash Harry isn’t going to just run off with their savings leaving them stranded in the wilderness with an outdated website business that no one will ever find and that Google hates.  Making ourselves known, contactable and available to those people and giving them an insight into how it’s going for us and what we’ve done with it goes a long way to helping them actually take the biggest step – Getting Started in the right place.


If you are remotely interested in starting a home based online business or in learning how digital marketing can benefit your existing business click on the link below and grab some free videos introducing the SFM. As testified it’s better than a University marketing degree and much more fun.

home based business online