The Advantages Of Mentors
The advantages of mentors are huge If you are looking to start an online business. They can save you time, money and frustration by providing experience based stepping stones to your goals. After all they’ve done what you want to do. They’ve found the pitfalls, the shortcuts and the right and wrong ways to do…
The Six Figure Mentors Programme In 2022
When I first met the Six Figure Mentors programme, it was a fairly simple proposition. It was Just what I was looking for in fact. It comprised of “proper” internet marketing training with a raft of tools and resources. Importantly for me it also offered a range of affiliate business partnerships. I’d been made redundant…
Launch You Ultimate Startup Bundles Review
Sfm’s Ultimate startup bundles are the culmination of a couple of very busy years for the company now in its 13th year. Just before the pandemic hit and changed the world they introduced their all new Mentors platform. During lockdown the founders faced the same problems as the rest of us but still managed to…
Does Self Development Work?
Self development work seems to be integral to many training courses on starting an online business. But do you really need it? I guess that depends on how you define it but my friend and I don’t think so. Certainly not if you’ve been around the block a couple of times, as they say. So…
The Pros and Cons Of An Online Business
The pros and cons of an online business was the first subject a friend and I tackled on our “dress rehearsal” for a new Youtube channel we are building. It’s aimed squarely at the 40-50+ age group although all are welcome. We’ve chosen that demographic A. Because we belong to it and B. Because we…
Sign Of The Times (SOTT)
There are moments in life when you notice something that stands out as a sign of the times. It can be an image, a statement or, as is often the case for me, something you notice in passing. Whatever it is it crystalises a moment in time in your mind forever. Know what I mean? …
Building A Small Business Online
My partner Mo has been building a small business online since just before lockdown began. She is a driving instructor but has only been able to return to that recently since lockdown on March. What started as a hobby – recycling old lamps and making funky shades for them – has blossomed. Hardly a day…
Your First Online Business
Starting your first online business is a great move at any time. Right now, in a locked down, limited touch point world its a doubly smart plan. Trying to work out the How? What? Why and Where of it though can be like herding cats. I’ll share the ultimate resource I found at the…
Mentors For Online Business
Nowadays in the digital world we live in we need mentors more than ever in business as much as in personal life. If we are lucky we meet some great mentors throughout our lives. They tend to stand out even if only with the benefit of hindsight in later life. Our parents, teachers, and family…
Preparing For The Post Lockdown World

It goes without saying that the world is going through massive changes right now. How can we a prepare for and adapt to a post lockdown world? Even before Covid19 came along and introduced us to measures like lockdown and social distancing, “The times they were a changing”. The digital revolution was already changing the…