Black Hat Marketing – How To Spot It

Black hat marketing, as the name, reminiscent of the baddies in old cowboy films suggests, is the dishonest, dark side of internet marketing.  I recently fell foul of it and I feel like an idiot. Maybe though, this tale can help you avoid a similar boo boo.   A month or so ago I wrote…

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The Zoom Revolution

Is web video communication (the zoom revolution) our new normal. Lots of people think so.

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How To Rethink Reskill Reboot

That’s the Uk government’s current message to people whose livelighood has been or will be decimated by the pandemic. That includes a lot of my friends and aquaintances from the live events industry. I myself was made redundant from that industry during the last economic crash. Athough the catch phrase rethink, reskill, reboot hadn’t been…

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Living In The New Normal

My partner and I left our seaside haven for Glasgow yesterday. It was her birthday and we took the opportunity to visit both of our families for the first time since lockdown 4 months ago. We also did some shopping so It was a long day. We picked up some fish and chips on the…

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How To Escape The Brexit Stranglehold

Don’t you wish you could escape the Brexit stranglehold as it continues here in the UK? Nearly 4 years after the country voted to leave the EU it still hasn’t happened. No matter, which way you voted, (if you did) I think we can agree on one thing: Most of us feel like our lives…

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Adapting To The Digital Age

adapting to the digital age

Some people of my age are nostalgic about the world we grew up in the pre-digital age. They claim that things were simpler without all this technology that surrounds us and that being connected to the world 24/7 has robbed us of our freedom. Some think that old technologies like film, tape and vinyl were…

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Embrace The Digital World

image of smartphones with screen showing an image of two hands. One hand is robotic the other human. Where they meet the human hand is becoming robotic. This symbolises embracing the digital world

There are ever more reasons to embrace the digital world. For me the top three, in no particular order are convenience, quality of life and freedom. To make my case I’ll use three areas where the digital revolution has improved my own life immeasurably. The first two concern lifelong passions and the staggering improvements digital…

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Time And Money Divorce

The relationship between time and money has defined our working lives.  Traditionally most of us have exchanged one for the other in an often-unsatisfactory ratio.  It’s a bargain we’ve had to make with a system geared towards an economic model that’s seriously showing its age.  In the digital world however time is not money and…

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Proven Steps To Success Online

It makes sense to follow proven steps to success online. We all know that crossing a stream is much easier if someone has put stepping-stones there. Then you can just follow in their footsteps. You don’t have to wade out carrying heavy stones yourself. You don’t have to spend the time testing every step as…

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The Skills Needed For The Future

Practical Skills For A Digital World The skills needed for the future are very different than those that have got you by so far. This is the digital age – the age of the Internet, automation and A.I. If you are looking at re-skilling to increase your earning potential, quality of life and general freedom…

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