The Abundance Mindset

The Abundance Mindset vs The Lack Mindset The Abundance mindset as opposed to the lack, or scarcity mindset is a crucial factor in your future wealth. You will find in most cases that this is what separates the rich from the poor. It doesn’t matter much whether you start with a little or lot, an…

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Overcoming Inertia With Meta Stories

The Benefits Of Overcoming Inertia Overcoming inertia or getting yourself unstuck seems to be supremely difficult for most of us. Even when we know what the benefits could be and aren’t even sure what is stopping us, we can’t seem to give ourselves the little push we need. Sadly this weird, human phenomenon can stop…

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The Power Of Change

the power of change

Embracing The Power of Change Most of us are not comfortable with change and I’m no different. I have realised that uncomfortable or not it has to be gone through in order to progress in life. I’ve been through a lot of change in the last 5 years and, painful though some of it was,…

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Making The Transition To The Digital Economy

Making The Transition To The Digital Economy

Making The Transition To The Digital Economy – Why You Should Be Making the transition to the digital economy is something that hordes of businesses and individuals are already doing. It might not be a choice thing much longer so you should be doing it too. In fact the digital revolution has forced a number…

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5 ways To Overcome Inertia

overcome inertia

Overcome Inertia With These 5 Hacks In order to overcome inertia or to get “unstuck”, we have to think about the Law of Inertia. It states that any object has the tendency to resist a change in motion. It will need either a push or a pull to get it moving. It’s the same for…

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How To Stop Making Excuses

stop making excuses

Stop Making Excuses – The Locus Of Control   There have been times in my life where I’ve needed a real kick up the arse to stop making excuses. Luckily I have a partner who is only too willing to provide said K.U.T.A. ! But joking aside it’s a battle I’m gradually winning and these…

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Do You Focus On The Big Picture?


Why You Need To Focus On The Big Picture   Keeping your focus on the big picture is I’ve learned, the key to success in any endeavour. Once you have your big picture – your end goal – defined properly of course. As an Internet entrepreneur I find this as true as I did as…

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The Best Skills To Invest In Now

What Are The Best Skills To Invest In Right Now? The best skills to invest in – to acquire – at any given time are always those that are most in demand. Should you aim for a very specific, skills in a specific niche though, or a broader, transferable set of skills for the best…

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Taking Control Of Your Life Today

Taking Control Of Your Life Quickly   Taking control of your life and reinventing yourself used to be much more difficult than it is now. It could involve a location change and a career change with all of the upheaval that entails. Having done that a number of times myself I can tell you that…

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Fear Of Technology Is Holding You Back

Why Fear Of Technology Is Misplaced   Fear of technology holds people back from some amazing possibilities – from starting an online business for example. Like most fears though it’s all in the mind. We live in an era where technology is king. That means that by necessity it becomes easier and more user friendly.…

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