Self Reliance In 2021

As I put virtual pen to virtual paper for my first blog post of 2021 I firmly belive that self reliance will be key this year. The things that defined 2020 still linger like a bad hangover and its anyone’s guess when (if) any form of normality will return. With politicians, economists, medics and journalists…

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Become Self Reliant Fast

During the annus horribillis that 2020 has undoubtedly been, the digital economy has been thriving. It’s heart – the internet – is where many people have found salvation and it’s where anyone can become self reliant in a world where no one else is coming to save us.   Nasty Numbers The need for us…

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The Best Self Improvement Books – Apart From The Obvious

What are the best self-improvement books an entrepreneur can read? The usual advice is to go with the recognised classics like Think and Grow Rich or Rich dad Poor dad. All great brain food for sure, as are the host of alternatives out there and I have a good few of those. I also read…

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Staying Focused – Avoid Option Paralysis

At the Six Figure mentors Momentum day in London this January , Jay Kubassek asked us to give him some examples of the challenges we faced in growing our businesses. For me it was and still is staying focused. I didn’t mean focus on the main objective as such but more about what to focus…

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