The Internet Life – Why Aren’t You Living It?

The great thing about the internet life is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Gale force winds blow snow horizontally across my home office window and churn the sea below it into angry white horses. Inside I feel grateful. Grateful that I’m not out there, dashing from my car to a meeting…

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Too late To Start Your Online Business?

If you think you have left it too late to start your online business don’t panic. It’s often said that the early adopters are the ones who reap the benefits of new ideas, technologies and trends. As someone who is often late to the party I’d argue that there are advantages to turning up late. …

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Making Better Smartphone Videos

I’ve recently been making better smartphone videos than ever before since adding a couple of inexpensive items to my arsenal.  I’ve also picked up a couple of new tricks for making smartphone videos outdoors much easier. Let’s dive in. Until fairly recently any videos I shot on my iphone were the usual kind of things…

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The Online Life By The Sea

The idea of living the online life in a house overlooking the sea used to seem like an unrealistic dream to me. Now I can’t imagine ever living any other way. There used to be two ways to live in a rural, semi remote area whether it be countryside or coastal. The first was to…

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Success Flows From Making An Approach

Making an approach is how everything good in life begins if you think about it.  I don’t remember where I first heard them but the words “If you don’t ask, you don’t get” have always stuck in my head. They always encourage me to make approaches no matter how uncomfortable or nervous I may feel…

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April 26th 2021 What A Day

Here in bonnie Scotland lockdown rules slackened on Friday (26th April 2021) Enough at least for my brother to come and spend a couple of days with us in Argyll. We can’t yet spend any indoor time with anyone outside our “bubble” (a word association I will be glad to see the back off) but…

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Getting The Covid 19 Vaccine?

If you’re not sure whether or not to have the covid 19 vaccine when it’s offered this might give you some clarity. My partner and I got our invites recently and decided to go for it after a lot of thought. We’d been on the fence, if anything swaying towards not getting the jab. So…

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Beaver Builder Review

There are loads of WordPress based website builders on the market and they all claim to be “drag and drop simple” and super fast loading. Most of them also claim to integrate seamlessly with everything from your favourite autoresponder to e-commerce faves like Shopify. Obviously this makes them very attractive to your average non techie…

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Pivot Out Of Lockdown

There’s a lot of talk right now about how to pivot out of lockdown. It’s obvious why. I popped into town today (June 10, 2020 – week ten of coronavirus lockdown) for a few bits and pieces. It’s still very quiet here with most of the shops, pubs and public spaces still shut. Supermarket shopping…

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Working From Home In Lockdown

It’s week four of the Coronavirus lockdown here in the UK. I’m sitting in my garden in glorious sunshine. Aside from the busy chatter of many birds and the distant drone of lawnmowers and strimmers it’s very quiet. To be honest though, for me it’s pretty much situation normal. I’ve been working from home now…

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