How Life Has Changed Since Joining SFM
In a recently announced competition – “How has your life changed since joining SFM?” Is one of 3 options for entry. The entry itself is in the form of a one minute video submission about the chosen phrase. The other two options are: “How did you feel when you made your first sale?” And “Why were you looking for an alternative online education system?” I’ve chosen the first option but wanted to answer all 3 in this post.
I went for option one because since joining SFM my life has changed in a lot of ways: Its actually going to be tricky to get that across in a 60 second video but hey, I do love a challenge! The first prize after all, is a one to one mentoring session with SFM and DEA co-founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek, both of whom can command fees of $1k+ per hour for their time.
Since joining SFM nearly 3 years ago after dipping a few toes in the waters of the online home business space with limited success, my life has changed in a big way. The biggest change has been in location: Almost a year ago now my partner and I were able to move to our current home on the west coast of Scotland. It’s basically the “ideal” home we had both been visualising for a number of years but were unable to achieve.
3 Great Questions
Through the SFM’s real world education and business partnership programme I’ve been able to achieve genuine location freedom. Unencumbered by the need to commute to or to work from, any particular place, we sold up in Glasgow and came to live at the seaside. Joining SFM not only gave me a profitable business to run (from anywhere I can access the web) but also the skills to promote my partner’s traditional business here via digital marketing.
That in turn has lead to a great deal of freedom, happiness and yes, financial independence. I feel now that I am equipped with a set of modern, transferable skills that I can use anywhere. Marrying those to my existing skills, passions and experiences – both life and work – to turn myself into a business, has been a revelation. Joining SFM also introduced me to a worldwide community of people doing the same: Building their ideal life. I draw on them or support, advice, masterminding and friendship. So although I am a one-man band, I never feel alone in this business.
I could go on about how joining SFM has helped me make leaps and bounds in my mindset, personal and professional development too but I have 2 more things to cover here! You can probably see how shoehorning this into a 1 minute video is going to be tough.
How Did My First Sale Feel?
On then to “ How did I feel when I made my first sale?” Well, my first online sale came before joining SFM. IT was a paltry affiliate commission of £12.94 from my first ever e-commerce web store. A tiny sum but nevertheless very exciting. It stays with you. It proves “It works!” basically and that with additional skills and better sales funnels and commission structures, can be scaled up drastically. My first SFM sale earned me a total of $1220 for example – much more exciting. Enough said.
Finally “ Why was I looking for an alternative online education system?” There were a couple of reasons for that. Firstly I had done some online education with the e-commerce store. It was a franchised set up and the training was delivered online. I enjoyed the process of learning through video and webinars because I could work through everything at my own pace. I was later to discover that the education itself was very poor but I could see the potential. Secondly I had done an online TEFL course, which was far superior and looked at E-learning in a much wider and much better way.
Since Joining SFM – In One Minute ??
Again, joining SFM soon revealed the potential for using online learning to master Internet marketing. This to me looked like the skill set to have. That has definitely proven to be the case.
In a fast moving and ever changing space such as Internet marketing, being kept up to date by industry leaders is essential. Online delivery is by definition the best way to do that.
So there we have it. As you can see I can answer the latter two questions quite briefly but the one I’ve chosen is for me the one that inspires me most. Joining SFM is not about signing up for A. N. Other online affiliate programme. Their aim is to equip you with life changing skills, transferable systems and the mindset to thrive in the digital economy.
Take a test drive of this unique platform, movement, education, business partnership – call it what you will – by clicking the link below. You’ll meet the SFM and DEA co-founders and can subscribe to their complimentary 7-day video series.
Update 2019
It’s now August 2019 and I have now been an SFM and DEA member for nearly 6 years. A lot has happened since I wrote the post above. I’ve racked up some great earnings for one thing. I’ve earned $9200 in a single week – my best ever and all done with free video marketing.
My video skills have improved greatly and I’m now promoting several video apps as well as my SFM business. I’ve attended a number of events including a special leadership event in Jay Kubassek’s house in New Jersey. Currently, with a fellow SFM and DEA member I met at an event, I’m working on a business devoted to helping care for dementia sufferers at home.
As you can see life continues to evolve since joining SFM.