Digital Education Marketing – The Place To Be
Digital education marketing is very big news. It’s already a massive industry even though relatively speaking it’s in it’s infancy. As a proud affiliate of The Digital Experts Academy, digital education marketing is really what I do. The DEA and partner company Six Figure Mentors recently partnered with Grovo to further increase their ambitious plans in this area. Here’s why I think they offer incredible value for money to both their students and their affiliate partners.
I wrote about the value of investing in digital education to my subscribers earlier today. I see it both as an essential skill set for our changing economy and as a very smart marketplace in which to start a digital business. Its also my firm belief, based on my own experience that SFM and DEA offer the best digital education marketing program available.
In my broadcast I made a few comparisons. I talked about photography and Guitars – two of my own personal passions. To get good at these I had to invest in both learning new skills and in the best equipment I could afford. Over the years that has amounted to a considerable investment. But the point I made was that that investment has paid for itself many times over.
Top Quality Digital Education Opportunities
Yes you can make magic with a cheap guitar just as you can take a good picture with a cheap camera. If you stick with it though, you naturally gravitate towards better quality, professional gear. It’s the same with digital education marketing.
I also mentioned that quality comes at a price – with good reason. Millions of dollars are spent by the people who make top end cameras and guitars. They look carefully at what it takes to get the best results. They invest in research and development. Then they look at what the competition is doing and work out how they can make their products better.
When it comes to SFM and DEA’s development in the field of digital education marketing the same is true. Their original mission was to teach individuals how to build successful, sustainable online businesses. That’s still a huge part if what they do but they have also made bold moves to widen their scope.
Existing business owners, desperate to jump on the digital bandwagon are now very much in their sights. SFM and DEA are soon to release a suite of retail digital education products aimed specifically at existing business owners. These will include entry level list building and digital toolsets accompanied by bespoke training modules.
From there they will continue to market higher end training and products like the personal incubator and Elite marketing partnerships. So business owners will have a virtual buffet of products according to their needs.
Education Marketing As A Business
Digital education marketing – the selling of digital education products is the industry you join as an SFM affiliate. That gives you a foundation level set of tools and training – more than enough to start marketing online. From there you have the option of investing in the more advanced DEA membership options.
To get back to my points about quality: The development of both SFM and DEA’s offerings is ongoing. Both co-founders have invested heavily in developing their infrastructure, products and worldwide teams. So as an affiliate you are benefiting from the best copywriting, technical and business support, marketing and systems out there today. As a business owner you’re effectively hiring all of that expertise and digital nous at a fraction of what it would cost on the open market.
Whether you are interested in investing in digital education for its own ends or in digital education marketing as a business the SFM and DEA should definitely be part of your research.
By way of introduction they offer a free 7-day video series (itself offering huge value) which you can request here or by clicking the link below.