Email Marketing Tools That Also Earn You Money

Email Marketing Tools That Also Earn

extra income streamsI got a nice little email from Aweber – the email marketing tools system I use and promote – today telling me a commission check is on it’s way. This is one of the many things I love about affiliate marketing. It’s also one of the many things I love about Aweber and the clever way SFM has integrated this most essential set of email marketing tools into their business system as an automatic income stream for members.

First off, if you are not familiar with the Aweber system here’s the basics. Essentially it’s a way to manage a list of subscribers, program an automated series of messages for them and to send impromptu broadcasts and newsletters to them as a group. You can host as many lists as you want and manage them separately in various ways. This in itself is invaluable as lists start to grow but that’s just the start…

Aweber also provides affiliate marketing tools and templates to create great looking newsletters and other communications. All of which are customisable to suit your needs or to tie in nicely with your website and brand. You can also create custom sign up forms within Aweber to use on websites, blogs and landing pages to help build those lists in first place.

There are many other great things about Aweber so I’d recommend you check it out for a more in depth overview and to check out the extremely reasonable price options. I’ll finish this nutshell summary with the other advantage I started the post with, the affiliate programme.

The Indispensable Aweber System

You can promote Aweber as a stand-alone business tool or alongside other promotions. As a marketing and communication tool it very quickly becomes indispensable to businesses who use it. People tend to stick with it for all the reasons above plus the fact that it has a very user friendly interface – retention is very high. They provide a comprehensive suite of affiliate banners and links and some great training on how to maximise results.

Aweber Communications And SFM

When SFM members work through the set up modules they have a couple of options for managing leads they generate: They can decide to let SFM follow up on their leads or they can set up an Aweber  Communications account and keep full control of the list they are building – a bit of a no brainer I would say, especially if the plan is to build multiple affiliate marketing businesses and lists.

SFM have this set up so that when a new member opens an Aweber account it is via the affiliate link of the person who they joined SFM through. So that person gets a small residual commission without having to promote another purchase, which builds alongside their SFM team. This is really one of the secrets to success with Internet affiliate marketing: The ability to create extra income streams  from single marketing activities.

If you are looking for a system to build and manage lists of subscribers then Aweber should be your first port of call. If you use it to create sign up forms on your website or blog you will love it and it’s a simple matter to sign up as an affiliate (no extra costs) and pop one of their banners on there too. Think of it as one of the best email marketing tools available and a “set and forget”,  income stream.

Click on the logo below to check it out.

email marketing tools