Internet Marketing Tools That Make You Stand Out From The Crowd
Internet marketing tools like landing pages are needed by all digital marketers. Building custom landing pages is one of the ways that you as an affiliate marketer can stand out from the crowd. With lots of affiliates using the same company generated marketing materials, prospective customers have no particular reason to choose you. It’s much better to define your target market and consciously gear your landing pages towards them. One system you can use to easily do this is called Simple lead capture.
Simple Lead capture (SLC) is one of the Internet marketing tools included in the Digital Business Lounge – a stand alone product from SFM. It provides a range of landing page templates, which can be edited completely to suit any campaign. It also integrates well with Aweber so that sign up forms can be added to the pages easily. As with all SFM products Simple Lead capture is constantly updated and improved.
The advantages of using SLC will be obvious to experienced digital marketers but for the less experienced here’s a quick explanation of what a landing does and why you should make your own.
Usually when someone clicks on an online advert to find out more they are taken to a landing page. This is just a single webpage, which has more sales copy and information on it. It might also have a video in it and it will have a field to input an email address. When the email address goes in, the landing page then re-directs to a sales page or another website – whatever the advert promised. It can also add that email address to a subscriber list and auto responder – one of the key internet marketing tools for list building.
Top Shelf Internet Marketing Tools
People these days are very click happy online. They are interested in lots of things and they’ll click on images, banners and links that are of interest or just to see what happens. What happens though when they keep seeing the same landing pages? They might like the image and message used in the advert or the banner enough to click. They might also be exactly the right potential customer but if they just see the same old same old, they’re gone.
To explain a bit more: Lets imagine a Facebook advert, just because the targeting options are so good. Say you are promoting an affiliate product and have worked out a target audience profile for it. You have defined their sex, age range, language, interests, where they live and maybe some of the advanced Facebook targeting options.
If your advert (through testing) has an image and copy that’s generating clicks but not leads It can only be the landing page that’s not working. Maybe its too generic, maybe it’s not generic enough. By creating a landing page that has not been seen before and by carefully designing it to “talk” more directly to YOUR target audience, things should improve significantly. Even the best internet marketing tools need to be used creatively as part of a carefully thought out process.
It actually might not matter much where your landing page redirects to if you get it right in the first place.
Simple lead capture is one of a suite of internet marketing tools within the Digital Business Lounge. It integrates nicely with the other components so that everything you need to design a custom landing page is right there. There are a range of editable templates, a video editor and a url shortner. Graphics storage and editing has recently been added so that adding custom backgrounds to your landing pages is simple too.
So there you have it. If you want to create unique landing pages that reflect your personal brand and more closely appeal to your target audience checkout the Digital Business Lounge. It contains a host of internet marketing tools which cover all the digital marketing bases from building websites and landing pages to outsourcing freelance writers.

Internet Marketing Tools That Make You Stand Out From The Crowd
By Dave Menzies