Internet Marketing With Santa
Do you shut down at Christmas? Who could blame you. In many ways as the song says it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Time off work, giving and receiving gifts, spending time with family friends and loved ones – it’s all good. But it’s also an opportunity to take some breathing space and contemplate the start of a new year.
A lot of internet marketing types also decide that this is a good time to shut down for while and kick back. For all the same reasons as I’ve just mentioned that could be a big mistake. Even if it’s been a great year it’s not over yet.
I don’t know about you but when I have some time in hand I use it to get round to some of the things I’ve been putting off. I started my first online business during a Christmas break from the day job. With the time, most of the people I wanted to talk to being available and some headspace away from other people’s agendas the timing was ideal. What I thought about was that if I didn’t do it then, I’d be into another year of the same old same old before I could blink.
Starting an Internet Marketing Biz In The Holidays
Now that I am building several online businesses I think about the millions of people all over the world who are kicking back. For internet marketing professionals this is possibly the best time to get in front of your audience. They are happy and relaxed and since a lot of the competition is taking a break, the online noise is quieter.
In the past I’ve found that this time of year is when a number of my SFM subscribers decide to get started with an internet marketing business. I see leads coming in from blogs and videos that I posted weeks and months before. All because people have time to think clearly, do some research and plan ahead.
Most internet marketers promote multiple goods and services and at this time of year people have money to spend. It could well be that their thoughts return to that “thing” they wanted earlier in the year but didn’t have the funds for. This could be the best time for them to see your ads and if your not there someone else will be.
Stuart Ross posted on Facebook yesterday that he’ll be taking Christmas day off and that’s it. He doesn’t need the money for sure but marketing is all about consistency. I’ll be following his lead.
Holidays = Headspace – Don’t Squander it
After all, running a business from home – especially an online business isn’t really something you desperately need to take a break from just because everyone else is. It’s not like you need a rest from commuting or an annoying boss. So the reasons most people cherish this time of year (or any holiday) just don’t apply. Internet marketing is kind of like being on holiday most of the time – or at least it should be – or you’re doing it wrong.
The same applies to New Year. How many times have you said to yourself – I’ll do that in the New Year? That’s where resolutions come from – and why they are seldom kept. It’s just a way of putting things off. A new year happens overnight – nothing magically happens that makes you take action just because a number changes.
What does happen is that you get older. History repeats itself and before you know it. It’s Christmas again. Oh well – it’ll be holiday time in 6 months – I can think about it again then.
MY advice then: If you are already doing internet marketing don’t stop for a week or two (or maybe I’m shooting myself in the foot there) If you are looking for a good time to start an online business it’s now!.
For more pearls of wisdom on digital marketing tune in to a free webcast by Internet marketing supremo Stuart Ross this Christmas on the link below. See what you might be missing.