Still Sceptical About Online Business Opportunities?
Many people are sceptical about online business opportunities. In some ways that is understandable given the somewhat chequered reputation the phrase “online business opportunities” has made for itself. But in truth that reputation was made long ago in terms of the internet’s lifespan so far. Things are very different now.
Most of the people who now make an honest and sometimes extremely lucrative living online these days were bitten by so called internet business opportunities at some point. Back in the day – when web 2.0 made so much possible – it all seemed a bit like the goldrush. Sadly that isn’t the only resemblance that the internet had to the wild west.
It has to be remembered that in the actual Goldrush, those selling the prospecting pans, shovels and picks made more money than was ever made with Gold.
The internet was all so new and exciting. It seemed like anyone who had a prospecting pan could head for hills and get rich quick. Online advertising was new and advertisers could say more or less anything they wanted to. As we all started to get home computers and started investigating this brave new digital world they could suddenly get in front of millions of people.
Forward thinking entrepreneurs realised this was going to be the way most business would be done. They started to work out how. At the same time others saw a massive opportunity to sell business opportunities. Some of these were honest, franchise style business that simply took advantage of the internet’s reach and ease of set up. Others weren’t.
Internet Business Opportunities – Then And Now
Somehow or other the make easy money online and get rich quick legends were born. They sold like hotcakes. That’s where many people got their first (often bitter) taste of what was possible. Some took it on the chin and persevered onwards to huge success. Others became embittered sceptics keen to label ALL online business opportunities as scams.
Fast forward a few years and we now see just how much business is at least part reliant on the internet. Yes the scams and tricksters are still there but it’s a much harder place for them to operate now. They can’t get away with the hyped up claims and unrealistic opportunities of yesteryear.
Google won’t let them, Facebook won’t let them. And they are the giants. In some ways they police the online world. They are answerable not only to their users but to governments.
So if you are saying that your online business opportunities can make people rich. If you claim that your products and services are proven – you’d better be able to prove it.
There is an elegant synergy to the way the internet has changed the world over the years. Yes it has effectively wiped out many traditional businesses and jobs (and will continue to do so). It has also replaced them with genuinely wonderful online business opportunities. The technology has become far more accessible. The policing has become more sophisticated, and the methods of online marketing goods, services and information are truly jaw dropping.
Online Business Opportunities Education
What’s lacking is not the amount of ethical, sustainable online business opportunities available but education around the way they work. Consumers are not the gullible technophobes we were when the online revolution started. We are savvy consumers who use computers, smartphones and the internet like we once used pens and paper.
We shop, bank and talk to relatives and friends online in far flung parts of the world via glass tablets. We’ve access to more or less all the information in the world. We can live the sort of lifestyles that people who just don’t have the right education don’t believe possible. That needs to change.
At the forefront of educating individuals and businesses about the online business world are organisations like the SFM and DEA. They are explaining and providing exactly the skills are needed to transisiton to the new, digital economy (the one that’s actually thriving) in simple terms.
They are also explaining and providing the systems, strategies and methods used to sell goods and services online. On top of all that they offer high income online business opportunities to boot.
If you are sceptical about online business opportunities: If you don’t believe that you can make an extremely good living with just a laptop and an internet connection from anywhere these days – you need to meet these guys.
You do that by subscribing for their free 7-day video series on the link below.