The Six Figure Mentors Momentum Day (Mom7)
The Six Figure Mentors momentum day number 7 has just taken place in London. This was the biggest yet and moved away from the event’s traditional London venue to accommodate far bigger numbers than ever before. The next Six Figure Mentors Momentum day dates have now been announced in New Jersey (June 15th) and Melbourne 28th November.
So what is a Six Figure mentors momentum day all about? Well they are a heady mix of training, networking, momentum building and socialising. I wasn’t able to make it to this one due to preparations for moving house but the images, videos and blogs coming back from it are amazing. It’s almost like being there.
What I’ve noticed this time obviously are a lot of new faces. Previous events have been deliberately kept to small numbers. In keeping with the founders vision of running the business in a strong community atmosphere this has allowed Stuart and Jay to meet and hang out with as many members as possible.
They’ve never wanted to do things the in the traditional way affiliate marketing business leaders do: Filling a massive room with as many faceless affiliates as possible, jumping on stage to pitch an upsell and disappearing to their rooms.
Six Figure Mentors Momentum Day – Far From Usual
At Six Figure Mentors momentum day events they are there for the entire event and in the bar before and after. They make themselves available to appear in videos, photos and on social media – all brilliant marketing aids for their family of affiliates and business partners.
Not having been there I can’t say how they managed to do that with this larger event. When I attended the 3013 Six Figure Mentors momentum day there were only 50 or so attendees. This time there were 300. I can see from the images and videos coming back so far though that the company’s entire UK team were present to share the load.
As ever there are clearly some post event hangovers being nursed so the trickle of feedback so far will no doubt increase as every one makes their way home. From what has been posted so far though it seems to have been awesome.
I was reading one post from a newer member saying that it felt slightly surreal to meet so people you’ve only met online previously. That’s how I felt when I attended. It really does cement that sense of community within this unique business. We may all be running our individual businesses under the SFM and DEA umbrella but these events bring home the fact that we are not alone in doing so.
The Power of SFM Momentum Day Events
The power of coming together at events like these can’t be overstated. They help, inspire and encourage in so many ways. So much of running a business, online or offline is about changing your mindset and building momentum. To be in a room filled with that kind of energy is powerful stuff.
I see a lot of familiar faces on the event pics coming through on Facebook and a lot of new ones too. It feels great to be part of such an unique movement – even if I couldn’t be there this time. Still there’s always New Jersey or even Melbourne and of course the weekly and monthly live webinars and masterminds which are events in themselves.
Find out more about the Six Figure mentors approach to digital education and online business development by grabbing their intro videos on the link below. Maybe you will be at a future Six Figure Mentors momentum day.
By Dave Menzies