The Digital Lifestyle Video Series By SFM

the digital lifestyle

The Digital Lifestyle Video Series – Introducing SFM

The digital lifestyle video series

The digital lifestyle video series is a series of videos created by SFM and DEA co-founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. It’s their method of introduction. It is automatically sent out over a 7 day period to anyone who subscribes for them via an online ad or website. I wanted to summarise the contents and give you the opportunity to check them out for yourself.

During the course of video there are a number of useful downloads which offer considerable value. Lets look at each in turn briefly.

The Digital Lifestyle Video Series From SFM and DEA

  1. The digital lifestyle video series starts with an introduction to the founders. They each explain their backgrounds, how they learned about the potential of marketing on the internet and how they developed their hugely successful businesses. They go on to outline the educational platform and digital business systems they have developed into what is the SFM and DEA

the digital lifestyle video series

  1. The digital lifestyle video series part two explains what they call The Digital Goldrush. This is a description of how the digital world we now live in has come about. Jay talks in detail about how the digital revolution started in the 80’s At this point the price of electronics dropping to a point where most people could afford home PC’s. Then in the mid 90’s the internet came along. With it began the information age. He explains how the web quickly started to change the way we do business and live our lives in general. That takes us to the point now where anyone with a laptop can access the “Digital Goldrush”.

Big Problem – Big Solution

  1. Video 3 in the digital lifestyle video series is titled “Big Problem, Big Solution”. This one starts to explain the SFM and DEA business and training system itself. The Big problem is that although most people can see the potential of running an online business, most feel they lack the technical know how to do it. The Big solution being a demonstration of the “plug and play” digital business lounge system that SFM and DEA have developed. This provides all of the tools,  and training that enable anyone to get up and running in a matter of days.

    1. The fourth instalment in the digital lifestyle video series – List Building for Profit – covers some key points. IT details the SFM and DEA affiliate business and describes the strategy of list building and how it eliminates the need for traditional selling. Included is a downloadable, yours to keep report on list building.

The Money Is In The List

  1. Digital lifestyle video series part 5 – Earning Multiple Income Streams – is key to how the SFM and DEA system works. In it you get to see the huge advantage of building a franchise style online business rather than going it alone. It cover the income streams built into the system and gives you a very clear insight into why this is a cheaper, quicker and less risky way of building a digital business.
  2. This video includes interviews with and tells the story of a couple of very successful SFM and DEA affiliates and business partners. You learn how they turned to the internet after being made redundant from successful corporate careers. They explain how building their digital business has given the security in knowing that they will never be obsolete again.
  3. The final video in the digital lifestyle video series introduces more successful SFM DEA students. These people are now SFM business partners and run their own mega successful coaching business. They also provide advanced mentoring and training for the SFM and DEA programs. Their story too is inspiring.

How To Get The Video Series

There is one more video in the digital lifestyle video series. This one just ties up the series. It provides links to each of the videos again and explains the risk free SFM application process.

I hope you found this useful. The SFM and DEA have built a pretty astounding platform here. It really is a ground breaking mix of education and turnkey business system. Anyone who realises the potential that that the internet offers anyone now really should be looking at this in earnest.

Whether you are keen to start an online business or are looking to leverage the internet to grow an existing online or offline business this is for you. Get the video series by clicking the link below.

the digital lifestyle video series

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