Six Figure Mentors Benefits, Features and Advantages
To give a honest account on The Six Figure Mentors benefits It’s necessary to mix it up a bit with the features of this educational and business platform. I know that features and benefits are sometimes at odds with each other (benefits being far sexier) but the truth is that one leads to another so this will be a look at both. In time honoured tradition we’ll cover advantages as well – FAB!
So the benefits of the Six Figure Mentors training and business, depending on where you’re coming from might include: Having more time to spend with family and on your interests and passions; Having more income to spend on all of the above (or whatever you want personally); Providing for a more comfortable retirement; having the ability to travel whenever, wherever and for however long you want to; Being your own boss in a profitable, future proof home based business. Home by the way can be anywhere that you can connect a laptop to the internet.
It has been said that there are only 3 motivations for doing or buying anything: Fear, need or greed. If that’s true then the Six Figure Mentors benefits cover all three completely. It’s easy to see how running a secure, modern, lifestyle business that leverages the technology we all live by today would address these 3 motivations for a hell of a lot of people.
To understand how this is possible we do need to look at the Six Figure Mentors features that make these Six Figure Mentors benefits possible.
SFM Features
The best internet digital marketing training in the world.
Created by some of the most successful internet marketers in the world and delivered by video, live and recorded webinars, workshops, group and one to one mentoring and peer group communities. The training covers the practical system set up side of things as well as every strategy for generating leads online and is constantly updated to take into account the ever changing nature of the internet.
The best digital marketing business systems in the world.
Multi-million dollar systems that include website creation, hosting and management, video and graphics editing tools, custom lead capture page creation, integration with email management systems and bespoke Internet marketing tools. Many of these tools are also available to members as stand-alone, income generating retail products.
State of the art marketing materials.
Six Figure mentors marketing materials are produced by industry leading copywriters, graphic designers and programmers.
Brilliant support.
With offices in The UK, USA and Philippines, SFM’s support staff are on hand to help members throughout the world using both a live chat feature and a fast ticket system.
Six Figure Mentors Benefits For The Modern Entrepreneur
All of these features provide everything that is needed to build online businesses in any niche you choose. So why choose to partner with Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy? Well the key to choosing a profitable niche lies in research. As I’ve said in a previous blog, a starving crowd is what you need for success in this industry.
The co-founders of this business have built multiple 7 and 8 figure online businesses purely by dint of the research they have done in several niches. They spend jaw-dropping amounts of time and money on research and testing before spending a penny on advertising or any other form of lead generation. Thats what they did before launching the Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy.
If you doubt the size of the market for what they provide look at the results typing “making money online” into Google comes up with (see image – typed in today at 9.14am). Bear in mind that there are numerous variations on the theme: There are roughly 50 million related searches monthly.
This is the industry of the moment and of the foreseeable future. This is a very hungry crowd! It’s a savvy crowd too – they are starving for something REAL, not for schemes and magic, push button income scams.
So consider that when you revise the Six Figure Mentors benefits as I’ve covered here. For more research you can also sign up for their complimentary 7 day video series on the link below.
By Dave Menzies