Will SFM Work For You?

will sfm work for you

What’s SFM Really All About?

To answer the question Will SFM work for you properly you first need to be very clear about what SFM (Six Figure Mentors) actually do. That’s not always easy: They are continually evolving as a platform and community and there’s also a lot of disinformation out there. I have been with both Six Figure Mentors and partner organisation DEA as both customer and affiliate for some years. I’ve seen literally hundreds of people come through the doors and achieve all kinds of results. This post is designed to help you decide whether SFM will work for you based on my own experiences.

What SFM Is Not

First of all lets get some misconceptions laid to rest. SFM is not a Pyramid Scheme or an MLM opportunity. Pyramid schemes are illegal in most countries. MLM (Multi level marketing) as the name suggests involves recruiting teams of people who recruit teams of people who….. you get the picture. The structure is similar to a pyramid scheme in that the money flows from the bottom to the top but in MLM there are actual products involved. SFM affiliates are paid on their direct membership sales and on one level of their member’s sales only.

So what do they actually do and will SFM work for you? In short SFM and DEA are digital education platforms, which also offer franchise like business partnerships. In other words you can earn commission by selling the same products you are using and learning from. Digital skills like Internet marketing are becoming essential these days and there is a huge skills gap. It makes sense therefore to do both.

Two Sides Of The Coin

So hopefully you can see that joining Six Figure Mentors CAN work for you on two levels: First as an education platform and secondly as a profitable online business partnership. The education side of things covers Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, e-commerce and entrepreneurial mindset. It’s delivered through live and recorded video, one to one mentoring, live events and community interaction. The business partnership side of things is available on a number of levels to suit your budget and your goals. It comes with a suite of tools, resources, training and ongoing high-level support.

Whether or not SFM will work for you will depend largely on you. Everything you need is provided but your success will depend on you applying the education and using the resources. If you join a gym or pay for a college education but don’t ever turn up, you can’t realistically expect any results. It’s the same with SFM and DEA.

Is SFM Value For Money?

Is it expensive? Lets be realistic here. SFM and DEA are high-level platforms. The education provided can be fairly compared to university level. The educators and their leadership and technical teams are at the top of their game. The resources, tools, systems and support provided to members are cutting edge. You get what you pay for and in my opinion the value on offer here far exceeds the cost. As a business partnership you can earn some of the highest affiliate commissions in the Industry. There are a number of investment levels which each offer enhanced training, mentorship, support and of course payments.

When a new member recently asked me what I like best about SFM and DEA, I answered transparency and integrity. As someone who has been around the online business space for some time, these are still the qualities I value most.

To learn more about SFM membership, their education, community and business possibilities subscribe for their free 7 part video series on the link below.


will sfm work for you