The Six Figure Mentors Program
It’s sometimes quite difficult to get across to people just how unique this Six Figure Mentors program “thing” is. This is why most people are introduced to it and the Digital Experts Academy by means of a series of videos produced by the founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. Here’s a snapshot of some recent events that might give you some insights.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m taking part in a 90 day video challenge at present – I’ve just uploaded number 73 in fact. This takes place in a private Facebook group set up by a member of the Six Figure Mentors program. It’s at the stage now where people are starting to finish the challenge.
On Wednesday Stuart Ross – co-founder of the business, posted a video in the group. His video, shot on his iphone as he made is way to a local post office, featured him talking about the challenge. He was in fact about to send a couple of presents to two of the people who’s videos have stood out for him. He did stress that he hasn’t seen them all – who has – 80 people shooting 90 videos each!
The Six Figure Mentors Program Community
On the following day one of the recipients posted a video of him opening the present. I’m not saying what it was as the other person hasn’t received theirs yet but it was pretty generous. Included was a hand written message from Stuart.
Now this is quite extraordinary for a few reasons. Firstly it’s pretty cool I think, that a multi-millionaire internet “guru” bothers to takes the time to watch ANY of these videos – they are not something he was directly involved with after all – not part of any training as such. Secondly, it’s even more extraordinary that he would reward someone’s efforts in such genuinely nice way.
If you are already part of this business, training platform, lifestyle community – call it what you want, this isn’t actually that surprising. The community aspect is what sets the six figure mentors program apart from any other business community – particularly in the online world. There is a genuine feeling of all being in this together. Even though everyone has individual goals, agendas and are using the platform in very different ways.
What? No Up-Sell?
Its far more normal , in my experience at least , for the CEO’s and founders of mega successful online affiliate businesses to be pretty remote characters. They are occasionally to be heard on webinars – usually with a hyped up “rare appearance!!!” style lead in (often followed by an up-sell) At live events they take to the stage and make a beeline for their room or a taxi as soon as they have said their piece (which usually features an up-sell)
Things are very different with SFM and DEA. It’s a very enlightened and refreshing style of leadership with an agenda that goes way beyond a drive to create a massive membership. Thankfully that doesn’t seem to be on the menu. Too often businesses collapse through becoming overstretched. They try to be the biggest – to have the most members.
The idea here is to equip people with skills, resources and relationships that lead to online independence. The aim is not to simply create a massive team of affiliates dedicated only to the promotion of the Six Figure Mentors program or Digital Experts Academy partner program. It’s done in a very inclusive, community based style. Definitely works for me !
See if you agree by watching the free corporate video series on the link below.