The Zero Moment Of Truth

The Zero Moment Of Truth For Buyers And Sellers TheZero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is really what sets internet marketing apart from traditional marketing. It’s probably the linchpin around which the digital economy works. It really emphasises why digital marketing is already the must have business skill set for our times. Lets have a look…. Over…
Why 5 to 9ers Need Digital Marketing Systems

5 to 9ers and SFM – A Match Made In Heaven The 5 to 9ers seems to be the new phrase describing people starting a business around a full time job. I was out and about around Stirling yesterday and heard Jeremy Vine discussing this on his Radio 2 show. He had a business expert…
Solving Technical Problems
Solving Technical Problems – Tech Support Angels Solving technical problems seems to be a bit of a trend for me recently. It began last week with a Google Hangout I take part in with some other SFM guys. We were discussing “Do you need to be technical to run an online business” and were ironically…
The Six Figure Mentors Program
The Six Figure Mentors Program It’s sometimes quite difficult to get across to people just how unique this Six Figure Mentors program “thing” is. This is why most people are introduced to it and the Digital Experts Academy by means of a series of videos produced by the founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. Here’s…
Buying A Franchise Business? Here’s An Alternative
Buying A Franchise Business? Think twice.. If you are thinking of buying a franchise business, as I once did I’d like to suggest an alternative idea for you to consider. I’m concentrating on an online business here as I honestly believe that anyone considering going into business these day should seriously think about making it…
Digital Marketing Training Courses
Digital Marketing Training Courses When you type “digital marketing training courses” into the big G you’ll get 168,000 results (in just over .4 of a second) so it’s a fairly popular search – no wonder: Most businesses have been aware that an online presence is a complete necessity these days and as a result happily…