Building Your Digital Life

There has never been a better time to start building your digital life. Ok so things have changed this year in ways none of us could have predicted. But actually things have been changing for a long time. Things always change. Life IS change. I’ll be 56 in a couple of months and have seen…

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Life Changing Mountains

Life Changing Mountains Yesterday, Easter Monday I climbed Ben Narnain, part of the “Arrochar Alps” and at 927 metres, A Munro. I’m an occasional hill climber unlike my brother who led the way so it was quite a tough climb for me. It made me think a lot about an image that Jay Kubassek uses…

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What is your plan B ? The digital economy beckons

So What is your plan B? The news continues to be filled with doom and gloom about the traditional economy doesn’t it? We hear about hard working people who are living in poverty despite having what seems like a reasonable income to some. They are visiting food banks just to feed the kids and some…

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