DEA Gold Workshop – Vegas 2015
DEA Gold Workshop – Solid Gold Insights The DEA Gold workshop moved from it’s usual home in London to Las Vegas this year (2015). Unfortunately due to moving home on the same day I wasn’t able to attend. I have however been catching up on the recordings which are available to DEA Gold partners in…
The Domino Effect In An Online Business
How The Domino Effect Works In An Online Business During His presentation at the SFM Momentum day in London recently Jay Kubassek used the example of the domino effect as in the video below. Original idea by Lorne Whitehead, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 51, page 182 (1983). Video by Stephen Morris. The Domino effect…
The Money Tap – Internet Marketing
The Money Tap And How To Turn It On The Money tap is quite a good way of looking at internet marketing. When you have the skills, systems and resources required, you really do have a virtual money tap. You can turn it on through advertising, blogging, video, social media and list building. Better…
Digital Skills Education – Disruption & Singularity
Digital Skills Education – Meet The Pioneers Digital skills education is very big news. In the September DEA founders call Jay Kubasek had some interesting information to share on the subject. It was scary, exciting, awesome, crucial info. The adjective you pick after looking at the info will soon depend on the level of digital…
Telling Is Not Selling?
Telling Is Not Selling – It’s Better…. “Telling is not selling” is a phrase used by Brain Tracy and countless others. Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek co-founders of the Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and Digital Experts Academy (DEA) also often quote it. They have used that approach to build multiple 6,7 and 8 figure online…
The Digital Education Marketing Business
Digital Education Marketing – The Place To Be Digital education marketing is very big news. It’s already a massive industry even though relatively speaking it’s in it’s infancy. As a proud affiliate of The Digital Experts Academy, digital education marketing is really what I do. The DEA and partner company Six Figure Mentors recently partnered…
The SFM Elite Curriculum Review
The SFM Elite – High Ticket Lifestyle The SFM Elite curriculum – the affiliate training program of the Digital Experts Academy – has been in place for a while now. Some valuable additional resources have been added which I wanted to cover in this post. SFM Elite is where the rubber meets the road as…
SFM And DEA Founders Call Revelations
The SFM and DEA Founders Call March (Part 2 – Awesome News) The SFM and DEA Founders call for March was in two parts. Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek had so much to tell us about this month that two instalments were needed. On the second part of the March SFM and DEA founders…
Dealing With Negativity – When You Should
Dealing With Negativity – A Masterful Response Dealing with Negativity is a problem. Negativity is a problem full stop. I’ve written about dealing with negative comments on social media etc before. Usually these are reactions to adverts or blog posts promoting online affiliate programmes – specifically those that challenge the status quo. In my case…
The Six Figure Mentors Program
The Six Figure Mentors Program It’s sometimes quite difficult to get across to people just how unique this Six Figure Mentors program “thing” is. This is why most people are introduced to it and the Digital Experts Academy by means of a series of videos produced by the founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. Here’s…