The Impact of Technology – What Will Business Be Like In A Hundred Years ?

The Impact of Technology  – The Story So far An online colleague and friend from New Zealand messaged me on Facebook yesterday asking if I could give her a quick tutorial on using Imovie – that this is easily possible speaks volumes about the impact of technology  We both own digital marketing businesses and have the…

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The Evolution Of Digital Marketing Strategy

The Evolution Of Digital Marketing Strategy The new SFM sales funnel based around their forward thinking digital marketing strategy is pretty damn cool.  We’ve been seeing little glimpses of it in videos and webinars for a while now, but following the May founder’s call webinar we now have it in it’s entirety in our SFM…

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A lesson On Keeping Things In Perspective

A Lesson On Keeping Things In Perspective   I’ve heard both Stuart Ross (on a live webinar) and Jay Kubassek at an event in London talk about a massive deal they walked away from a year or so ago. Jay gave us a more detailed perspective on this in his blog post yesterday and I wanted…

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Why Do People Subscribe To A Mailing List If They Are Not Interested?

Why Do People Subscribe To A Mailing List If They Are Not Interested? Yesterday I had someone subscribe to a mailing list I manage in order to receive the Six Figure Mentors information videos – which are free – actually they are “complimentary” – the FREE word tends to attract the wrong crowd! The funny…

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My Digital Life – Maybe Yours?

My Digital Life – Maybe Yours? Amazing SFM founders call with Stuart, Jay and the Michigan team last night. Unfortunately I missed most of the first hour so I’m eagerly waiting for the tech guys to load the recording into the back office. I did catch the last hour though and as always it was…

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Daylight Saving Time ? In The New Economy?

So the clocks changed again last night because of daylight saving time and we find ourselves up and about on a Sunday an hour earlier than last week, Why?  What can we usefully do with this extra time – apart from ignoring it till Monday? Well given that we all have 86,400 seconds of time…

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The Sales Funnel – Why Tracking Is Vital

In a recent master marketing webinar by Guy and Ilan Feldman of Satori Prime they gave a superb insight into the importance of tracking the sales funnel. Actually a pretty dry subject in its own right but absolute gold dust to a digital marketer – any marketer in fact. It’s really the essence of success…

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Netiquette Part 2 – When Things Get Bizarre!

Netiquette Part 2 Things Get Bizarre! A while ago I wrote about the importance good netiquette – the internet version of etiquette and I just had to share a recent, bizarre series of emails I had which sort of ties in with that. I’m still confused actually so maybe you can comment? It all started…

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Business In The Community – Social Networking

Last week I posted a non business question on a Facebook  account that I use mainly for business social networking – the online version of business in the community and the response was so positive that I felt the need to talk about it today. It highlights the strength of social networking for both business…

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The Rise and Rise Of Information Marketing

The Rise and Rise Of Information Marketing I sent a broadcast to my subscribers on the subject of information marketing earlier today. It was prompted by some thoughts I had whilst walking to the post office when I was nearly bumped into a number of times by people intent on their mobile devices.  This made…

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