The Internet Life – Why Aren’t You Living It?
The great thing about the internet life is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Gale force winds blow snow horizontally across my home office window and churn the sea below it into angry white horses. Inside I feel grateful. Grateful that I’m not out there, dashing from my car to a meeting…
How To Do Great Referral Marketing
Great referral marketing a.k.a. affiliate marketing is at its best an almost casual process. A good example of this happened to me last night when I bought a drone online after watching a video. Drones were not actually the point of the video and certainly weren’t being promoted in it. If they had been then…
The Online Life By The Sea
The idea of living the online life in a house overlooking the sea used to seem like an unrealistic dream to me. Now I can’t imagine ever living any other way. There used to be two ways to live in a rural, semi remote area whether it be countryside or coastal. The first was to…
How to Succeed Online as a ‘Normal” Person
How to Succeed Online as a ‘Normal” Person “How to succeed online” – that is the real question. I was prompted to write on this subject with the addendum as a “normal” person by a few things. The first being that so many of the big names in internet marketing seem to have a similar image…
The Evolution Of Digital Marketing Strategy
The Evolution Of Digital Marketing Strategy The new SFM sales funnel based around their forward thinking digital marketing strategy is pretty damn cool. We’ve been seeing little glimpses of it in videos and webinars for a while now, but following the May founder’s call webinar we now have it in it’s entirety in our SFM…
Business In The Community – Social Networking
Last week I posted a non business question on a Facebook account that I use mainly for business social networking – the online version of business in the community and the response was so positive that I felt the need to talk about it today. It highlights the strength of social networking for both business…
How To Make Millions? Our Attitudes To Money
How to make millions? Attitudes to Money How’s that for a headline? – How to make millions – what’s your immediate reaction to that? Does it turn you right off or will you read on? This weekend I caught up with a recording of a webinar hosted by Jay Kubassek for the SFM Elite members…
Building A Life By Design
Building A Life By Design I’ve been fascinated by the last couple of episodes of Ben Fogle’s new TV series “New Lives in the wild”, The last episode in particular is a shining example of how leveraging modern technology- the internet – can open the possibilities for those determined to live life on their own…
Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting
Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting I had to laugh yesterday. I wrote recently about people’s reluctance to invest money by starting an online business or indeed any form of self development that actually makes money work whilst happily spending money on so many things that are basically similar to simply burning the…
Affiliate Marketing Programmes – Quickest Way To Generate Income online ?
If you’re not aware of affiliate marketing programmes at all or are not aware of just how much online business is done with this business model, I hope this post will be an eye opener. Leaving aside all the online – make money scheme nonsense (as I know my savvy readers do ) Affiliate marketing…