Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting
Starting An Online Business And NOT Quitting I had to laugh yesterday. I wrote recently about people’s reluctance to invest money by starting an online business or indeed any form of self development that actually makes money work whilst happily spending money on so many things that are basically similar to simply burning the…
List Building For Profit – The Money Is In The List
List Building For Profit – The Money Is In The List The money is in the list and list building for profit are online marketing phrases – considering the relatively short length of time we’ve had the internet they could actually claim to be ancient internet wisdom. But why so true is it? as Yoda…
3 Ways To Invest For Income
Dave Menzies How to Invest for income online rather than focussing on the much overdone idea of becoming an internet millionaire was the subject of my previous blog. I wanted to continue with some practical suggestions as to how you can invest for income using the internet. Whether you want to reinvest savings for better…
Successfully Managing Expectations
Dave Menzies Managing expectations is an essential part of any new venture. As is often the case the inspiration my post comes from a recent experience my partner has had – a very rare in her case – falling out with a pupil. As a driving instructor, managing expectations is a very important part of…
Internet marketing Strategies That Play to your Strengths
Playing to your strengths Dave Menzies As usual, the SFM Elite call by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek this week was filled with inspiring and practical information. The topic and conversation was largely focused on choosing the strategies that suit you. Those that play to your strengths. Becoming an expert at those is a better…
How To Build A Successful Online Business
I’m putting digital pen to digital paper today as I was looking at a presentation by Jay Kubassek earlier. As usual it was pretty thought provoking. One particular piece of info he shared got me thinking. It addressed the sheer numbers of people who are googling certain phrases. Make Money online, get out of debt,…
Digital Marketing Training with James and Kerry
Digital marketing training Dave Menzies Yesterday I spent a day with my colleagues and friends James and Kerry. We were having a bit of a brainstorm or masterminding session. I wanted to talk about this because it’s a great way to demonstrate how the Six Figure mentors and Digital experts Academy really works. You see…
Good Sales And Marketing Strategies
Sales and marketing strategies, or rather the ones you choose, are probably subject to change. They are a bit of science and need to be tested on an ongoing basis to see which ones work and which don’t. The strategies you choose whether offline or online should adhere to the basic principal of – people…
What To Promote With An Online Marketing Business
Your level of decisiveness in an online marketing business is going to be an ongoing learning curve. Thats true for with anything in life. You need to make decisions and stand by them. It’s usually the case with successful people that they decide quickly and change their minds slowly. You could be trying to decide…