Get The Modern Midas Touch
The Midas touch in Greek mythology refers to King Midas who turned anything he touched into gold. Not as it turned out as great a talent as it seemed. But we can actually come close to it in the digital economy without the drawbacks. Here’s how the online business model affiliate marketing can give you…
7 Reasons Why Freelance Techs Should Be Starting An Online Business
Learning Something New Is Already Second Nature I spent quite a few years in the audio-visual industry as a technician. I did a little project management and latterly moved into the business development side of things. I’ve been telling people some bits and pieces about those years recently and it occurred to me that they…
The Best Self Improvement Books – Apart From The Obvious
What are the best self-improvement books an entrepreneur can read? The usual advice is to go with the recognised classics like Think and Grow Rich or Rich dad Poor dad. All great brain food for sure, as are the host of alternatives out there and I have a good few of those. I also read…
Offline business – Online Marketing
Online Marketing for Offline Business Just as I typed the first word of this post I heard the ping of an email arriving in my Gmail box. I paused for a quick look and it’s from an online marketing acquaintance of mine in New York with “time sensitive” news of his latest get rich…