The Internet Life – Why Aren’t You Living It?

The great thing about the internet life is that it can be whatever you want it to be. Gale force winds blow snow horizontally across my home office window and churn the sea below it into angry white horses. Inside I feel grateful. Grateful that I’m not out there, dashing from my car to a meeting…

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Building Your Digital Life

There has never been a better time to start building your digital life. Ok so things have changed this year in ways none of us could have predicted. But actually things have been changing for a long time. Things always change. Life IS change. I’ll be 56 in a couple of months and have seen…

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Making The Transition To The Digital Economy

Making The Transition To The Digital Economy

Making The Transition To The Digital Economy – Why You Should Be Making the transition to the digital economy is something that hordes of businesses and individuals are already doing. It might not be a choice thing much longer so you should be doing it too. In fact the digital revolution has forced a number…

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The Internet Is Killing Religion – Hallelujah!

How the Internet Is Killing Religion And Replacing It With Something Better Some say the Internet is killing religion or as Professor Richard Dawkins would say – curing religion. I hope that’s true and here’s why. If you think of religion as a movement to provide us with a design for life – a set…

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