Attraction Marketing In Action

Attraction Marketing In Action

attraction marketingHere’s a perfect example of attraction marketing in action. I got an email yesterday via the contact form on my website. It was from someone who had been watching some of my videos and wanted to arrange a Skype call with me. He’s seen some of the videos where I describe in some detail what you actually get when you join SFM. He wanted to ask some questions about affiliate marketing in general and SFM in particular.

I’m just off that call which lasted a bit over an hour and was a great start to my day and hopefully his. I’m writing about this because it highlights a few things about working online in general and the SFM attraction marketing approach in particular that I find inspiring.

So what is the whole concept of attraction marketing, which is very much part and parcel of what Stuart and Jay of SFM teach? If you’re not familiar with this concept it possibly sounds a little “airy fairy” maybe or even a bit like mumbo jumbo, but it works. Here’s the back-story that emerged from our conversation.

Attraction Marketing – Why Me? – Why You?

So my new friend as I say, had seen some videos that I uploaded to one f my Youtube channels months ago. He has been interested in affiliate marketing and working online for over a year. He had done a fair bit of research and had seen a lot of videos about SFM. He had also bought a copy of The Laptop Lifestyle by Greg and Fiona Scott- 2 very successful SFM affiliates and partners, and attraction marketing experts.

He decided to get in touch with me rather than anyone else because he liked my approach. I’m just honest and straight talking really, and I’m happy to share my background and story before and after I joined SFM. So he knew a little about me already – I’m from an AV industry background, so is he, I was laid off, he still works for a large telecoms organisation, albeit from home in London. Some common ground then.

So from a video or two he got a feel for what I’m like and that we probably had some stuff in common. Actually the plot thickened: He is originally from France and I love France (not sure I’ve mentioned that on video actually) From my point of view I could tell that I was talking to someone who is serious about changing his life and the lives of his young family.

It actually gets a little scary this stuff at times: When we saw each other on our Skype video call we were both in our home offices. We both had photographic green screens and studio lighting set ups. Coincidence – or is it? (cue Twighlight Zone theme tune lol !)

Attraction Marketing – Different Strokes For Different Folks

attraction marketingThis is kind of exactly how attraction marketing works. The reason my videos and by extension I, was the guy he chose to get in touch with, is that he is exactly the kind of person I want to work with. Evidently I am the kind of person he wants to talk to as well.

I should say that I don’t do any of this stuff deliberately. I just get my message and myself out there. I don’t sit for hours scripting videos with a psychological profile of my ideal customer or colleague in front of me. I like honesty so anything I put out there is honest. I don’t (can’t actually) do the hyped up, hard sale stuff because it doesn’t work for me. That approach turns me right off in fact. I’m not going to attract people who do go for that approach.

Different people are attracted to different things at the end of the day. If you try to sell everyone you sell no-one as they say – One of the few sales type idioms I actually agree with.

I’ve had quite a few conversations like this actually (so I must be doing something right) And every time It starts with both parties having one thing in common. Without fail though when the conversation develops there are lots more thing in common. It’s kind of magical.

For me then attraction marketing means that I’m connecting with the kind of people I’m probably going to get on well with. This is very important to me – it’s also the whole ethos behind the community nature of the SFM business model.

As my friend pointed out from his own research – there are a lot of marketers out there using the almost desperate “Please buy my stuff” approach. Not sure who would be attracted to that – not me and certainly not him. Attraction marketing is very definitely the way online marketing is going. You can’t really hide on video, on a live webinar or Goggle hangout. People are savvy now – they see through bullshit. For another great example of attraction marketing take a look at the SFM website and see for yourself how the top digital entrepreneurs present themselves. You might like them, you might not – that’s sort of the point. Either way I think you’ll agree that they have some good things to say.


attraction marketing