Digital Experts Academy Ten for Ten Event

Ten For Ten

DEA Inaugural Ten For Ten Review

Ten For TenLast week I had the honour and privilege of attending the inaugural DEA Ten for Ten event in Fairhaven, New Jersey. Hosted in his impressive home by co-founder Jay Kubassek and delivered by Jay and the DEA’s world class team, the 2 day event was nothing short of incredible. Myself and my fellow attendees have come away with a ton of personal and business development wisdom. So what exactly is a Ten for Ten event?

Before teaming up with Stuart Ross and his internet business training company Six Figure Mentors, Jay developed the Ten for Ten idea for his company Carbon Copy Pro. The original idea was to offer an intensive 2-day masterclass for a small group of his students. Back then you qualified by paying $5000 up front followed by $5000 to be paid after earning $10,000 – hence 10 people at $10K. The theory was that if you could and were willing to front that sort of cash you would definitely take action on what you had learned.

The reality was different however. Whilst the event created several of the most successful marketers in the world, a surprising number of the students didn’t develop any further. So years later, at the suggestion of Justin Woolf – one of the success stories from that initial event and now a key team member in DEA – the Ten for Ten was re-launched.

Ten for Ten Day 1

Ten For Ten

Ilan Ferdman In Action

This time you qualify by reaching a set level of success in your business. You need to have earned affiliate commissions of at least $10k and have at least 10 active members in your team. Just to explain: SFM – the affiliate marketing arm of the business – is a membership programme. Affiliates earn commission by sales of memberships, which carry a monthly subscription.

So that’s the background to the Ten for Ten event. On to the event itself. We kicked off at 8.30am with a very nice continental breakfast and a mingle in the outside area of Jay’s place. I knew most of my fellow attendees although hadn’t met them all in person so this was a great putting faces to names type of thing. Then we headed down to the basement come man cave come home cinema to get started.

The Left Side Of The Brain

Day one was all about setting the agenda for the event. That done we each introduced ourselves in more detail and gave a brief account of: Where we are with our businesses, what challenges we have and what we hoped to get from the event. During this session Ilan Ferdman took notes. Ilan and his brother Guy run Satori Prime – a personal development company who also partner with DEA as trainers. After lunch he worked with us individually based on his notes.

This was a pretty intense session. This is a group of people who have for one reason or another come to the Internet and to SFM and DEA from successful traditional careers or businesses. Burnt out, disillusioned, seriously looking for transformation, their stories and the raw emotions that surfaced here might surprise anyone who thinks that money and success automatically brings happiness. There were quite a few tears.

In fact this session continued around Jay’s fire pit over a few drinks and a fabulous barbecue’d dinner (nice work on the grill Woolf!) It was close to midnight when the Ubers arrived to take us all back to our Airbnb’s on a memorable hot New Jersey night.

Ten for Ten (Right Side)

Ten For TenWhilst you could say that day one had been all about the right side of the brain, Day two of the Ten for Ten was all about the left side of the brain. We delved deep into marketing and advertising strategies. There were presentations from Swedish Adwords experts Strom and Bir, Leadership and success coach Justin Woolf, Jay Kubassek, Stuart Ross and John Jackson.

Bear in mind that these are mega successful entrepreneurs who have built multiple 6, 7 and 8 figure businesses both offline and online. Its hard to put a value on just being around these guys for two days never mind being coached, mentored and supported by them. Trust me – $millions will come out of those two days.

The inaugural DEA Ten for Ten event closed with dinner at Le Club Avenue – an exclusive restaurant in Long Branch. Personally I’ve come home with a much clearer picture of where and how I want to take my online business. I’ve also connected with a team of amazing people who have each other’s backs.

There’s a much bigger picture here too than just this event. SFM and DEA are nurturing an amazing leadership community here. A community absolutely dedicated to positively affecting as many lives as possible. They are doing it by creating a clear and guided path to thriving in the new digital world. This really goes far beyond teaching internet marketing skills or “making money online”.

If this has been of interest to you I thoroughly recommend you learn more about SFM and DEA. You can do that by subscribing to their complimentary 7 day video series on the link below.

Ten For Ten