My Digital Life – Maybe Yours?
Amazing SFM founders call with Stuart, Jay and the Michigan team last night. Unfortunately I missed most of the first hour so I’m eagerly waiting for the tech guys to load the recording into the back office. I did catch the last hour though and as always it was amazing stuff to behold with the main men Stu and Jay having a laugh at the same time as imparting incredible knowledge and updates on the new stuff they have been working on. This really is my digital life in action!
As a founding Elite member of this business/training/platform/community I really do get the feeling that I’m part of a revolution – with a load of my mates. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before offline or online: I almost considered cancelling dinner with my dear old mum to catch this webinar live – even though I had already missed Mother’s day. In the end though I compromised and did a bit of both!
The Digital Business Strategy
Don’t get me wrong this is all about hard work – both on yourself and on your digital business strategy but the point is to achieve a more balanced lifestyle in the end with scales tilting heavily to the side of enjoying life rather than just watching it go by as you toil away for someone else’s dream.
Teeth ! Who Needs Teeth ?
Jay Kubassek pulls no punches when he talks about the work involved to achieve this. He often compares the journey to becoming a professional digital entrepreneur to climbing a mountain or to becoming a professional athlete. Last night he talked about what ice hockey players go through to get to the top of their game (while Stu – clearly not a fan of the sport – did comedy yawns behind him) He illustrated the point by showing a picture of young player who had had most of his teeth knocked out during a game that he had been at.
It’s actually hard to put SFM, DEA in a nutshell but again Jay provided a little perspective: Panning around the Michigan office to introduce some of the team he explained that including staff in their other 2 offices (New York and UK) and their home based staff, the payroll is over $1million per month.
There Is No Nutshell To Put This In
What SFM/DEA members get is a turnkey digital marketing training platform with a business system that contains everything you could ever need as a digital marketer – much more in fact than Jay and Stu had when they started building their multi million dollar empire. They also get one to one mentoring, inclusion in an incredible, supportive business community, regular live, interactive webinars and live events.

Upcoming live events
That doesn’t even take into account the millions they have invested in creating intellectual property that is made available to members for marketing purposes, or the continual additional value that is added month after month in line with the huge vision that these guys have.
A key point to note here is that this is not about a couple of guys looking to make lots of little clones of themselves or to find a million affiliates for their business. The thrust here is actually to create skilled digital marketers who are able to be completely independent – able to create their own online businesses and thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Lots of companies claim to have products that are changing peoples lives for the better but I’m seeing peoples lives changing everyday through the empowerment that SFM and DEA is providing them. They equip people with absolutely everything they need to be digital entrepreneurs – including regular ass kicking to get the work done! Bear in mind – that Iphone in your hand is actually more powerful than all of the computing used to put a man on the moon. And there was no internet back then either….
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