In 2016, 3 years after joining SFM I posted my video entitled Is SFM a scam on Youtube. It gained the attention I thought it might – that title was a deliberate attempt to leverage the traffic pulling power of the word “scam” for one thing. For another I wanted to use that strategy to give a balanced overview of SFM. The video was basically a walkthrough of the members back office. I also gave an overview of the training, tools and business partnerships that SFM and DEA offer. Today I’m prompted to post an update on how I feel about SFM 6 years in.
The aforementioned video resulted in a plethora of comments – mostly positive, hundreds of subscribers and around $30K in affiliate commissions. Yesterday the video received an interesting new comment. Basically I was asked what my feelings are about after SFM 6 years in. Was I still “bullish” about SFM?
My reply was basically that I feel the same. I’m still a member, still use the platform on a daily basis and have seen the organisation improve and expand over those years. I also pointed out that I’ve published many updates since that first video. Today I wanted to expand on that answer a little.
Six Years Of Growth
I joined SFM as a founder member back in 2013. When I attended my first SFM “Momentum day” live event in London a year or so later there were probably 60 people in the room. I’ve attended 4 similar events over the years. The audience size grew to the hundreds. Bigger venues were required and the SFM and DEA leadership team has grown to accommodate this.
Now SFM and DEA host momentum day events in the UK, USA and Australia. They also host additional workshops, branding and masterminding events all over the globe. Demand is such that many of these events can now be streamed live with interactive features. This makes sense as there are now SFM and DEA members in over 100 countries.
So this is a business, community and platform that has grown a lot in the 10 years since co-founders Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek launched it. But events – both live, streamed and online – are just one part of the picture.
The other part is the nuts and bolts stuff – what you get for your money. Stuart and Jay’s idea was to provide all of the “stuff” of internet marketing in one place. On top of that they wanted to make it all ultra accessible to complete newbie’s with as much as possible of the techie barriers removed. To that end their Digital Business Lounge was built. Think of it as a complete digital marketing tool kit.
SFM 6 Years In – What’s Changed
The DBL allows you to create, host and manage websites. You can create professional graphics, landing pages and sales funnels easily. There are analytical tools, bespoke WordPress plugins, membership forums and lots more. SFM have formed strategic partnerships with training organisations like Lynda (Linkedin’s modular training system) and Digital marketer. Recently the incredible funnel builder Convertri was added.
Until a couple of years ago SFM and DEA concentrated on affiliate marketing. Their system allows you to create affiliate businesses from any product including theirs.
Having looked at the e-commerce training products available at the time, Stuart decided that improvements could be made. ImportXperts was launched. Pulling in experienced Ebay and Amazon sellers, this new platform focuses on business models like FBA (fulfilment by Amazon). SFM members who prefer to sell physical products online can now learn how to source brand and even create products.
They can learn how to leverage the massive Chinese wholesale manufacturing industry and have their products shipped to and fulfilled by Amazon. Not only that, they can utilise ImportXpert’s China based office where experienced agents can look after the sometimes tricky process of negotiating, customs and shipping.
The Support Team
Finally I have to mention the level of support provided by SFM and DEA to their members. The support team is now over 40 strong and members tickets are dealt with very promptly. Whether it’s a technical problem, a mindset problem or just confusion or overwhelm no one is alone in this community. There are loads of communication channels both from the leadership team and from fellow members.
In summary I guess in some ways I am bullish about SFM 6 years in but with good reason. In my opinion they provide everything you need to create and run Internet businesses. Over the years I’ve seen them tweak, improve, expand fine tune what they provide. The only thing they can’t reasonably do is to do the work for you.
Yes there is work involved. SFM can tell you what the work is, how best to do it and to provide all the support you need along the way. This all comes at a cost. Its a multi million dollar investment in people, technology and logistics for them. Access to all this as a member involves a monthly fee. There are optional one off costs for different membership levels. If you choose to become an affiliate partner though, the earnings potential is huge. You get what you pay for in this world.
Find out more about SFM by subscribing for their free 7 part video series on the link below

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