We are now living in a world, which has two very separate economies: The old, traditional or Titanic economy and the new, digital economy, which is thriving. Luckily the new economy can offer a lifeboats (you’ll remember that the Titanic didn’t have enough of those for all of the people onboard). There will be no need to cheat, steal or lie your way in. Women and children, men and silver surfers – room for all.
Just to explain the Titanic economy analogy: The ill-fated ship was built in a time of huge industrial change and advances. This made for the fateful claim that it was unsinkable despite, as hindsight shows, having a serious design fault. So confident were the owners and investors in this great venture that they could not foresee a need ever arising for it to be abandoned mid voyage – hence the insufficient lifeboats.
The Digital Economy Has Responded To The SOS
The parallel to the traditional, foundering economy is obvious. Just substitute the passengers for businesses, the wealthy owners and investors for the banksters, economists and politicians. Swap the iceberg for the current world recession. It’s a good analogy.
The new digital economy too is obvious. It’s the Internet – the digital world (The lifeboat). It has been for some time now and those who had the foresight to see it coming are reaping the benefits now.
If you are in business or looking to be in business now it is utterly essential that you are able to leverage this FACT. The digital economy is the new industrial revolution. It presents savvy entrepreneurs and business start ups with a wealth of opportunity. All they need to do is acquire the skill sets required to operate in this world.
If you have any doubts about this just have a think about your own buying patterns and use of technology. Almost everyone who is connected to the net uses it to buy goods and services and to find information. If you were in business 10 or 15 years ago and still are, think back to the days before you had email, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter…. Need I say more?
Digital Marketing Strategies – What’s Yours?
Most businesses pick up bits and pieces of digital marketing nous and try and incorporate some of it into their marketing strategies. But even today, very few are actually committing more than 10% of their budgets to digital marketing strategies. This is because of a lack of understanding, a lack of the skills needed or the people to outsource it to. It’s not just about SEO, or Social media or websites or traffic – it’s all of that and more and it needs to work together.
The people who can equip you with the skills you need now are the same people who embraced this revolution when it first emerged. The digital marketing pioneers. Luckily for entrepreneurs and business people the world over they are prepared to share the mindset, systems and training needed.
The digital economy deals in world-sized market that never sleeps. Start-up costs are a fraction of those in a traditional business model and an Internet business can be run in an ecologically clean manner from anywhere connection is possible.
Isn’t it time you embraced the digital economy and got those skills?