Want to Be Your Own Boss?

Be Your Own Boss –  4 Excuses People Make Not To

Dave Menzies

bossB.Y.O.B – Be your own boss or bring your own bottle – same difference really. Either way you’re in charge. For some it’s something they just dream about but will never do, for others it’s a necessity. Either way it’s never been easier to start a business. There has never been a time in our history when the opportunity to be your own boss has been so available.

What stops people from taking the plunge then? From escaping the rat race or firing the boss (choose your own cliché) I think there are 4 main reasons and here they are.

To be Your Own Boss Means Leaving the Comfort Zone far Behind

Comfort Zone conditioning: If you want to be your own boss after years of employment you are going to need to make some big changes. You’ll need to leave that comfortable comfort zone far behind: No guaranteed salary, no comfortable structure or boss driving you along.

Fear. This can cover a lot of areas. Fear of failing stops a hell of a lot of people from ever getting started. The statistics are out there after all and society has made security junkies out of many – that’s probably changed since the recession though. Fear of success weirdly enough in another – If you decide to be your own boss and it works – will you be able to handle it.

You don’t really want to be your own boss: It seemed like a great idea until you did a little research. Lots of hard work, no guarantees, lots of people fail. Maybe the boss isn’t so bad after all – and I do get paid every month.

You don’t know how to be your own boss. This is a biggie. Which business to start? Lots of people have a vague notion that they would like to have their own business but have no idea what kind of business or how to start it.

There’s Only One REAL Reason You can’t be Your Own Boss

be your own bossI would argue that three of these reasons not to be your own boss are irrelevant these days. They are all just excuses. If you want to be your own boss nowadays you can be – simple. All you need is a laptop and an Internet connection. An interest, passion or just some knowledge about something would help but it’s not necessary really.

As to the fear excuse: If its fear of failure, start in your spare time – don’t give up the day job. If it’s fear of success – get a grip! Read some books, work on the old mindset – success is GOOD. Same goes for the comfort zone stuff – make yourself get the hell out of there. It’s outside the comfort that you find the good stuff.

If you want to be your own boss but don’t know what to do – what’s possible in the modern world with a laptop and a broadband connection – look for the link at end of this post. You can start an online business these days based on anything you like. Affiliate marketing is the way to start.

It’s NEVER Been Easier to be Your Own Boss.

The only valid point of the 4 I’ve discussed is the the 3rd: You don’t really want to be your own boss. That’s fine. It’s by no means an easy option and some people are perfectly content to just go with the flow. The 9-5 suits them just fine thanks very much. I just hope you are never made redundant.

Obviously to be your own boss you need a business. The digital economy is making it very easy to go for an online business. It’s a low risk, low startup cost option that can be built at your own pace. There are lots of grants and loans available to people starting digital businesses too. It’s the way the economy is going after all.

As well as a business you will need some new skills to build a successful online business. Like any industry it has it’s own tools, resources and knowledge. You might also so need to a little self-development work to be your own boss.

The link below will get you a series of complimentary videos telling about where you can get everything you need to be your own boss in this brilliant new digital world.

